Victorian Acting Premier and Minister for Police and Emergency Services Peter Ryan has released the interim report of the Review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response.

Mr Ryan said the interim report provided valuable feedback from the community, local government and agencies in relation to the handling of the severe and repeated flood events across Victoria from 2010 - 2011.

"This report is an important part of continuing to enhance Victoria's emergency response arrangements and to building an 'all-hazards, all agencies' approach to emergency management," Mr Ryan said.

Queensland capped off 2010-11 with an extra 2,400 trend jobs and a drop in the unemployment rate, ABS employment data revealed.

Treasurer Andrew Fraser said after the natural disasters hammered the economy earlier this year, Queensland looked to be regaining momentum towards the Bligh Government's 100,000 jobs target.

"Queensland created 2,400 of the nation's net total of 3,800 jobs in June 2011," Mr Fraser said.

"Official figures now show there are 23,300 jobs to go before we hit the 100,000 jobs target.

"The trend unemployment rate in June dropped 0.1 percentage point to 5.2 percent, 0.4 percentage point lower than the recent peak in January.

"The drop in trend unemployment in June was supported by both part time and full time employment, which gained 1,900 and 500 jobs respectively.

"That's 20 straight months of full time employment growth."

Mr Fraser said the results closed off a challenging financial year peppered with clear positive indicators for a strong 2011-12.

"Queensland is on a launch pad with a 140,000 jobs bonanza forecast over the next two years in the 2011-12 State Budget," Mr Fraser said.

"We will continue to deliver our massive building program and the reconstruction effort as well as fostering investment from the resources industry to support 5 percent growth in 2011-12.

Queensland Health Minister Geoff Wilson has announced the final three shortlisted contractors currently vying for the construction of the $2.03 billion Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

The Queensland Government has released its Queensland Infrastructure Plan (QIP) for public comment, providing a blueprint for the state’s infrastructure development over the next 20 years.

The Queensland Government has released a new Queensland Regionalisation Strategy which aims to maximise the long-term economic growth and liveability of Queensland’s regions

The South Australian Government has released its Stormwater Strategy, developed by the Stormwater Taskforce which was established in September last year.

The Queensland Government’s financing arm, Queensland's Treasury Corporation (QTC), has released a report that reveals a projected $11.8 billion in new borrowing and $10.2 billion in refinancing of existing debt, as the state anticipates raising $22 billion on global bond markets over the current financial year to finance repair of flood damaged infrastructure.

The Western Australian Government has announced that $147 million will be spent upgrading six country hospitals, the largest single investment in regional healthcare in WA’s history, according to the Premier Colin Barnett.

The NSW Government has announced two reviews of renewable energy policy at its recent Solar and Renewable Energy Summit.

The Tasmanian Minister for Environment, Brian Wightman, has announced the appointment of two new members to the board of Tasmania’s Environment Protection Authority.

The Victorian Government’s announcement of its new eServices Panel has prompted an angry response from the IT companies shut out from government tenders.

The Western Australian Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls has announced the initial nine towns that will share in $85.5million in Royalties for Regions funding this year under the Regional Centres Development Plan (SuperTowns).

The South Australian Government has set aside land as part of an agreement with the Australian Government that confirms that the multi-billion dollar Future Submarines will be constructed in Adelaide.

A new road funding agreement has been signed by the Western Australian Government with local governments in Western Australia to deliver more than $800 million across Western Australia over the next five years.

Tasmania’s draft Mental Health Bill 2011, which proposes reforms to the treatment and care of Tasmanians with mental illness, has been released for comment.

The Tasmanian Government has appointed URS and Deloitte to oversee a strategic review of Forestry Tasmania (FT).

The NSW Office of Water has released a draft Water Management (General) Regulation 2011 for public comment.

State governments are set to win more control over multimillion-dollar water-saving infrastructure projects across the Murray-Darling under a new deal being discussed with the Commonwealth.

The Victorian Government will establish a new advisory council for Victoria’s biotechnology sector, with funding of $1.2 million over four years to operate the council.

A public inquiry will be held into the NSW Parliamentary Budget Office to examine its future role and functions.

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