The Victorian Health Minister David Davis has announced the appointment of eight new members to the board of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.

The new board will continue to be led by Jane Fenton, who has been Chair of the organisation since 2006 and a Board member since 1999. Two other existing Board members, Peter Gordon and Belinda Duarte have also had their terms extended.

Former Victorian MP Mark Birrell has been appointed as the new deputy chairperson. Mr Birrell was the shadow Minister for Health when legislation creating VicHealth was passed in 1987.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has announced how the Queensland government will allocate $100 million in a new round of Smart State funds.

The Western Australian Government has shelved plans to expand operations in Fremantle Port after announcing the possibility of constructing a new port closer to Perth.

Queensland and Western Australia are set to experience a massive demand in skilled labour over the coming years, with 300,000 workers required to continue economic growth.

Legislation to establish Infrastructure NSW has been passed in the NSW Parliament, and the former Premier, Nick Greiner, has been appointed as its chair. Paul Broad, currently chief executive of AAPT, has been appointed chief executive of the new body.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today announced Maitland City Council and Great Lakes Shire Council Shires in NSW are now eligible for disaster assistance from the Australian Government following last week’s flooding.

ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher has outlined the Territory Government's priorities in 2011-12 across eight key service delivery areas, with 52 specific projects and 51 measurable targets.

The Tasmanian Government has opened the consultation period of the state’s ‘Reviewing Our Education System’ after the budget announced that 20 public schools have been identified for possible closure.

New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell has offered a redundancy ultimatum for 390 public sector employees who he says are receiving a full wage despite not being employed in the area.

The Western Australian Government has released the state’s Kimberly Science and Conservation Strategy, with funding of $63 million over five years.

Member for Sandgate Vicky Darling has been endorsed by Queensland’s Caucus as the state’s Environment Minister after the departure of Kate Jones from the cabinet position.

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell has announced a suite of policy reforms with an intention to “restore integrity to Government in NSW.”

The New South Wales Government has announced its nominations of MPs to chair the state’s Joint Parliamentary and Legislative Assembly committees.

Cuts to South Australia's public sector's jobs and entitlements in the state's budget has resulted in threats of industrial action from the public sector's union.

The Queensland Government has announced a series of proposed reforms to the state's Local Government electoral system.

The Northern Territory Constitutional Convention Committee has announced arrangements to implement a  implement recommendations from the former Statehood Steering Committee to support the next steps towards Statehood, following agreement from the Territory Government. 

The New South Wales industrial relations bill is expected to pass the lower house today, in the wake of a major protest outside the NSW Parliament in Sydney's Macquarie Street yesterday.

The Queensland State Government has handed down its first post-natural disaster budget, offering major spending initiatives in health, recovery and education.

The Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy has established an expert advisory group to help overhaul the planning system in Victoria.

The Tasmanian Minister for Health, Michelle O’Byrne, has confirmed the state government’s decision to establish three Local Hospital Networks.

The Victorian State Government has passed its Equal Opportunity Amendment Bill which will allow faith-based institutions, such as schools and churches, to discriminate based on faith, marital status and sexual orientation.

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