Western Australian councils have called for a state-wide governance review to revitalise the local government reform process.

The WA Local Government Association (WALGA) called on the State Government to reassess the current situation and redefine the reform agenda.

WALGA president Troy Pickard said many councils and shires were feeling “reform fatigue” following a two-year process of “exhaustive” sustainability reviews, community consultation and reporting.

Victorian Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge has announced a $3.8 million package to recruit and retain frontline child protection staff.

The opportunity to comment on a sustainable population strategy for Australia is coming to a close.

A reshuffle of the Queensland Cabinet has resulted in a new Minister for Transport, Annastacia Palaszczuk.

The ACT has passed legislation to allow for medium-scale solar installations to access the ACT's feed-in tariff.

The Western Australian Government has announced plans to relocate government offices to locations outside of the Perth CBD.

The NSW Government has released a scoping paper seeking input from the public and key stakeholder groups to guide the preparation of a NSW Coal and Gas Strategy.

Victorians have lost confidence in the ability of the state's Environment Protection Authority to do its job, according to a highly critical internal review.

“I assure the people of Cairns that I will represent their interests vigorously over the year ahead and make sure to do all I can for Cairns before this term of Government comes to an end,” Ms Boyle said.

The WA Government has released design plans for the redevelopment of Perth Waterfront, together with a commitment for project funding in this year’s State Budget and confirmation that earthworks will start in early 2012.

The Northern Territory Government has released its Greater Darwin Region Land Use Plan Towards 2030 for public consultation.

The South Australian Minister for Water Paul Caica has announced that ALLWATER Consortium has been chosen as the preferred bidder to manage Adelaide’s water and wastewater networks for the next 10 years.

The Federal and NSW governments have announced joint funding of  $43.33 million for the Chaffey Dam Augmentation Project and Safety Upgrade, which will commence in 2012.

A major independent review of the ACT Public Service has recommended it be restructured as a single department, to reflect the city-state nature of the ACT and to allow for greater coordination between areas of the bureaucracy.

The Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese, has released a report, Infrastructure Planning and Delivery: Best Practice Case Studies, which provides a resource to help governments and industry to optimize effectiveness in the development of infrastructure.

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