The Australian Capital Territory continues to have one of the strongest economies in the nation, according to an economic performance report by the  Commonwealth Bank.

According to the Commonwealth Bank's latest State of the States: State & Territory economic performance report the ACT lead the states in economics, however the gap with rest of the nation has narrowed.

The report states the “ACT economy may be small, but it has demonstrated that it is more rounded than many other states or territory economies".

The Western Australian Government has decided to allocate all revenues from speed camera fines to road safety initiatives by 2012. Currently the proportion allocated is only one third.

The new Director-General for NSW Health, Dr Mary Foley, has written to staff of the department, outlining reforms proposed in discussions between the Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, and Governing Council Chairs and Chief Executives of Local Health Networks, Clinical Support Division Chief Operating Officers, and the senior executive of the Department of Health.

The Victorian Government has announced the $1.8 million Skilling the Bay initiative in response to recent economic and industry changes in Geelong.

Chair of the National Water Commission Chloe Munro has called for a rethink of the way water is priced in Australia.

The Australian Government has awarded a contract for work to begin on a detailed assessment of the renewable energy potential of the Mid-West and Pilbara regions of Western Australia.

The interim report into the Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporations has been released by the Select Committee, which fnds that current water and sewerage infrastructure in the state is not meeting pre-existing license requirements, and that bringing assets up to a contemporary standard will be both financially and environmentally challenging.

The Tasmanian Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts is developing a Science and Research Sector Strategy as part of the state’s Economic Development Plan.

The Tasmanian Government has launched a new program to help Tasmanian businesses invest in renewable energy.

The Tasmanian Treasury has issued a request for tenders for a contract estimated to be worth more than $17 million a year for the supply of ICT hardward and support services for Tasmanian government agencies across the state.

Australia's urban water sector needs major changes to meet the challenges of providing services that minimise costs and maximise benefits to the community, according to a draft report released by the Productivity Commission.

The Victorian Government has temporarily suspended some water allocation trade to protect next season’s allocations to Victorian water entitlement holders on the Murray system.

About 50 high-emitting polluters would pay two-thirds of the government's carbon tax take, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told the National Press Club as he hinted at a carbon price at the lower end of predictions.

The Queensland Government has launched its Cleantech Industry Development Strategy, setting out measures to support the environmental services, green building and materials, clean energy, resource recovery and recycling, sustainable transport, and water and wastewater management sectors.

The Victorian Government has released its  Economic and Financial Statement, April 2011 provides an update  on Victoria’s finances.

The Northern Territory Government has announced a $1.4 million package for to support Indigenous horticulture and forestry projects in the Territory.

The South Australian government has launched a new industry program that will support 60 women who are currently working in South Australia’s defence and resources industries to further develop their knowledge and skills.

The South Australian government has announced it will establish five Local Health Networks (LHNs) to manage public hospital and community health services from 1 July 2011.

The Queensland Government has announced the first of a series of Draft Guidelines to help in the reconstruction of Far North Queensland following the destruction caused by Cyclone Yasi in February will be released to the public at a community meeting in Tully Heads Community Centre on Wednesday, 20th April.

Rural and regional Victorian communities are set to benefit from a $1 billion growth fund following the passage of the Regional Growth Fund Bill through the Victorian Parliament on April 7.

Two National Water Commission reports on the performance Australia’s urban water utilities and rural water service providers have been released by the Federal Government.

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