The NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell, has released his government’s 100-day action plan under which he claims “the NSW Government would make giant strides towards helping the State to recover after 16 years of neglect.”

Announcing the plan, Mr O’Farrell said his government would be the busiest in Australia, “delivering dozens of commitments and initiatives to make people’s lives better.”

He said the 100 Day Plan features a range of key commitments made during the election campaign including:

  • establishing a Special Commission of Inquiry into Labor's failed electricity sale;
  • planning and budgeting work for the South West and North West rail links including the establishment of project teams;
  • introducing legislation for the creation of Infrastructure NSW and appointing a Board to run it;
  • preparing for the NSW Government's first budget in September;
  • commencing implementation of the Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan;
  • beginning negotiations on the M5 widening to reduce congestion;
  • introducing legislation to strengthen police powers including the re-introduction of the offence of "drunk and disorderly";
  • implementing the Better Hospitals and Healthcare plan which includes a $3 billion investment in city and regional hospitals, more beds and additional nurses;
  • establishing the Public Sector Commission; and,
  • restoring accountability by regulating lobbyists, introducing legislation to restrict political donations and eliminate taxpayer-funded political advertising.

The NSW Government has announced that a project team has been established to accelerate work on the North-West rail line.

The National Water Commission has issued a landmark report urging Australian governments to overhaul the way urban water supplies are managed.

The South Australian Premier's Awards have been held, showcasing excellence in the public sector.

The Northern Territory has called for applications from businesses and research organisations for the latest round of  the NT Research and Innovation Grants.

Queensland can expect coastal erosion and permanent inundation of coastal land as a result of a predicted 0.8 metre sea level rise by 2100, according to a new scientific report released by the Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence.

The Western Australian Government has announced that the new Department of Finance will be headed by Anne Nolan and will concentrate on revenue; management of government building projects; works and administration; and the Office of Shared Services when it splits from Treasury on July 1, 2011.

The Victorian Government has called for submissions to its Review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response, and is continuing a series of public meetings in flood affected towns during April and May.

The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office has released its report into whether the development of renewable energy has been facilitated effectively by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Department of Business and Innovation (DBI) and Sustainability Victoria (SV).

Construction in the ACT is continuing to grow, with around $18 billion worth of projects currently planned or under way in the ACT according to the latest Canberra Construction Snapshot, released by the Chief Minister and Minister for Land and Property Services, Jon Stanhope.

A survey of IT experts by the University of Sydney has supported calls to halt the rollout of the NSW Clinical Information System FirstNet, with a review finding the system should be spearheaded by an IT-savvy clinician.

The Western Australian Government will offer its workers a new round of voluntary separations this year as part of its public sector reform program.

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling on the Victorian Government to use its first State Budget to develop an Infrastructure Plan, prioritising projects that will help drive economic development and improve liveability.

The new leader-in-waiting of the Queensland opposition and Brisbane’s Lord Mayor, Campbell Newman, has announced that if elected Premier he will cut the size of the state’s public service and restructure some of its government departments in a bid to create savings for infrastructure investment.

The Federal Government has commissioned a review of the distribution of revenue from the Goods and Services Tax to the States and Territories.

Legislation enabling the creation of Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) in Western Australia has come into operation.

The Northern Territory Government has released its proposed changes to the Pastoral Land Act and details of the planned Native Vegetation Management Bill for comment.

The NSW Liberals & Nationals have announced a series of measures that, if elected, they will introduce to improved crime control in New South Wales.

ACT Health is developing a new ACT Primary Health Care Strategy which will follow from ACT Primary Health Care Strategy 2006-2009 to cover the years 2011-2014.

The ACT Government is to establish a panel of experts to support its proposed new background checking legislation for persons working with vulnerable people.

Victorian public servants are seeking a six per cent annual pay rise, a substantial increase on the Baillieu government's across-the-board offer of 2.5 per cent.

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