The new Gascoyne Regional Planning Committee has held its first meeting  in Carnarvon, WA, becoming the sixth Regional Planning Committee to be established by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

Chaired by WAPC chairman Gary Prattley, the Committee will provide a forum where important community matters can be aired and initiatives considered to improve the region, and will also make recommendations to State Government on the region’s infrastructure priorities.

Local government interests in the region will be represented by Cr Ronnie Fleay from the Shire of Exmouth and Cr Dudley Maslen from the Shire of Carnarvon.

The Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has announced a reshuffle of senior public servants that will result in new leadership of three departments: Premier and Cabinet, Local Government and Planning, and Public Works.

The Western Australian Government has released its Skilled Migration Strategy, introducing a range of measures to augment the State’s workforce with the skills that could not be met by the local labour force.

The Queensland parliament has passed the Queensland Industry Participation Policy Act 2010, requiring Queensland governments to have a local industry participation policy in place.

The Parliamentary Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit is reviewing the operation of funding agreements between the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments, including the National Agreements entered into under the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations.

The Victorian government has created a new unit based within the Department of Planning and Community Development to liaise with peri-urban councils in the area surrounding Melbourne.

The Tasmanian Government has released the second Skills Strategy Report Card, providing an overview of progress in implementing the Tasmanian Skills Strategy, which was initiated in 2008.

The Northern Territory Government has entered a  $3 million, six year contract with NAB and Traditional Credit Union which will secure employment for indigenous people

The ACT Government has broadened the eligibility criteria for its Women's Return to Work Grants Program to allow more women in the community greater access to financial assistance as they re-enter the workforce.

The Western Australian Government is tackling projected skills shortages in the state with a program to raise awareness nationally and internationally of workforce requirements and opportunities for immigrants.

The draft ACT Primary Health Care Strategy has been released for public consultation, setting out seven priority areas for action to improve primary health care in the Territory.

The Productivity Commission has called for written submissions on its draft report on Disability Care and Support by 30 April.

The Tasmanian Government has launched major reports to help Government, business and farmers better understand the impacts of climate change.

A new planning framework to guide development in the Pilbara has been released in response to many of the opportunities and challenges facing the region.

The Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW (LGSA) are calling on all political parties to scrap Part 3A and end the State Government's 'reign' over the NSW planning system. The LGSA say a genuine test and independent commission for state significant developments is needed to restore the balance to land use planning.

President of the Local Government Association, Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM, said it is essential that the incoming State Government work in close consultation with Local Government to develop a more open and transparent planning system.  

The expansion of the natural gas network to regional communities across Victoria is a step closer as the government progresses the delivery of its $100 million Energy for the Regions program.

Acting Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan and Queensland Premier Anna Bligh have signed the National Partnership for Natural Disaster Reconstruction and Recovery.

An Economic Development Mentor Support Network is part of package of new initiatives announced by Environment and Resource Management Minister Kate Jones as the next plank of the Bligh Government’s Wild Rivers program, aimed at providing Indigenous communities in the Cape with greater capability to capitalise on economic opportunities.

WA energy minister Peter Collier has launched the latest initiative in planning for the State’s future energy needs.

New research shows Australia’s skills supply and demand picture remains patchy.

The Commonwealth Grants Commission has released its advice to the Australian, State, and Territory Governments on how GST revenue should be distributed among the States and Territories in 2011-12.

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