Media reports are slamming authorities behind Victoria’s Wonthaggi desalination plant, accusing them of waste, leaks and criminal links.

Over a billion dollars in “savings” held by Queensland state-owned energy company Energex will stay there, kept in the coffers while residents across the state pay ever-higher prices.

The current Victoria Premier has laid some large promises on the table, if the state in which he is not polling well returns him to power.

A West Australian business lobby says the economy can move away from construction and mining, despite rising unemployment.

Queensland’s Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA) has received top marks on a project that gives young PhD students a taste of life as a researcher.

Victorian authorities are looking into claims of corruption in the state’s Liberal Party.

Local Government NSW (LGNSW) is helping the state’s councils with their asbestos issues, as Federal assistance stops at the border.

Victorian Government departments will soon fall under new Freedom of Information standards.

The Federal Government has admonished the Opposition for some strong comments on the future of the coal industry.

South Australia’s Commissioner for Public Sector Employment has rejected claims that a recent wage offer removed tenure for public servants.

The Victorian Local Governance Association has lodged its submission to the Victorian Local Government Electoral Review, seeking word on the state of some much-needed reforms.

WA councils say the State Government is ignoring a clear public safety issue, by failing to help when whale carcasses wash ashore.

A Federal Government taskforce set up to look at dodgy union links in Victoria has been labelled a “stunt”.

The South Australian Government has proposed privatising a submarine-building company in order to secure the local industry.

The Tasmanian Government has outlined the size of its public sector cuts, and expressed “regret” that so many will be sacked.

West Australian mental health authorities say politicians should not decide the freedom of mentally impaired people.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has been hampered in his mission to place people in top-level anti-corruption roles.

The South Australian Government has tightened the rules for MP’s, lobbies and political donations.

Major banks say they are not keen on Queensland coal port expansions, which are also the subject of a damning scientists’ report.

News Limited has published a resignation letter from the former CEO of South Australia’s water regulator.

The WA Conservation Council has been slammed for a full-page advertisement that claimed CSG ‘fracking’ puts water supplies at risk.

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