The WA Opposition has accused the government of putting a campaign logo on normal capital works, in order to look like it has achieved something.

For a second time, attorneys-general from across the country have petitioned the Federal Government over funding cuts to legal aid and community legal services.

A WA MP says some government departments should move to regional areas.

The Government of South Australia has made a bold move toward more open and transparent services, with a new website detailing what it offers and how it performs.

Now that the Federal Government has successfully slashed the Renewable Energy Target, progressive State Governments could fill the void.

A letter from a farmer to the NSW Department of Primary Industries shows the incredible strain imposed on people who live on the land.

The Federal Government has quietly expanded the already significant amount of agencies that are allowed unwarranted access to the private data of all Australians.

The Federal Government says it will only fund road projects in Victoria if they are of “national significance”.

Business groups have lashed out at West Australian Government's economic skills, following the revelation of ballooning debt and a major deficit.

The ACT Chief Minister has accused the Education Union of using “alpha male” tactics in pay negotiations.

A Victorian man has been charged with abuse of public office in South Australia.

The former chief executive of an NT Aboriginal legal service has been sentenced to three months in prison and five months in home detention for misusing her position and forgery.

It has been revealed that a number of Queensland magistrates took the wrong oath of office, and in one case, made no oath at all.

The northern part of Australia has been celebrating wins in this week’s federal budget announcement.

State governments not involved in the big infrastructure spend for northern Australia are in revolt against what they see as an unfair deal.

The WA Government is facing some heat after it revealed 13 Disability Services Commission (DSC) staff were stood down or sacked in just four months.

The new Federal Budget takes money from the Green Army to boost Great Barrier Reef spending.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has revealed new costs in the scrapping of the East West Link project, while he tries to garner support for a different road build.

West Australia’s housing market is heading for oversupply, leading speculation of large-scale jobs cuts and reductions.

Financial evidence in a Queensland court suggests the proposed Carmichael coalmine in the Galilee Basin would operate at a loss and not bring the public money it promises.

Tasmania's health department has defended its offer of just $7,500 for a worker to leave her job after 40 years of service.

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