The Western Australian Government has launched its new Mental Health 2020: Making it personal and everybody’s business 10 year mental health plan. The plan will aimed at improving the connections between public and private mental health services and community organisations to help ensure better support for people with mental illness.


The plan is underpinned by five key principles:

  • Respect and participation
  • Engagement
  • Diversity
  • Quality of life
  • Quality and best practice

The report outlines three major reform directors that will govern the next 10 years of mental health care in the state

  • Person centred supports and services – ensuring that each case is treated with individualized planning, support and services
  • Connected approaches – establishing stronger connections between public and private mental health services
  • Balanced investment – ensuring that the mental health system provides a full range of support and services ranging from mental health promotion through to early intervention

State Mental Health Minister Helen Morton said greater investment across the mental health system would help balance the full range of support and services, including mental health promotion and prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery.


The Mental Health Commission plans action in nine areas: good planning, services working together, a good home, getting help early, specific populations, justice, preventing suicide, maintaining a sustainable workforce and a high quality system.


The announcement comes as research shows that one in five Western Australians suffer from a mental health problem, while nearly half the population are expected to suffer from a mental health issue at one point in their life.

The full report can be found here