Victoria’s Emergency services will now alert people via text message on all mobile networks if there are dangers in their area, with tests going on over the weekend.

The state’s text message warnings from emergency services had previously only be available to Telstra customers, now Vodaphone and Optus users can get the heads-up as well. Alerts were sent to mobile phones near Wilsons Promontory on Sunday to test the system.

Emergency Services Minister Kim Wells says the Government wants to identify any issues before the dangerous period.

“It's only just recently that we've been able to get agreement with Optus and Vodafone, who are now joining Telstra this weekend, to give it a test,” he said, “we want to make sure if there are any bugs in the system that we can deal with it now before the summer season and before the bushfire season starts.”

More information on bushfire emergency planning is available from the state government.