A Canberra local has touched on a number of topics, including the need for a better site for large events in the city.

Former ACT opposition leader Zed Seselja spoke out during his maiden speech in the Australian Senate.

Senator Seselja says he supports the push to build the ‘Australia Forum’ in Canberra, a site which would be secure enough to hold events such as G20 summits or CHOGM gatherings.

Currently Canberra does not have such a facility, meaning events which may need to be securely locked-down are put on elsewhere.

More generally, Senator Seselja said he supports the Federal Government workers living in his home town, and is sick of hearing them and the city criticised. He also says jobs will soon begin to go.

“As a proud Canberran, I am and will remain a staunch defender of my home town,” he said.

“Canberra-bashing diminishes those who engage in it and is an attack on our nation.

“All Australians should be encouraged to be proud of their national capital, not just because of what the city is, but because of what it represents, not just in this place the meeting place of the nation, but in the suburbs which are home to hundreds of thousands of ordinary Australians.

“I urge my colleagues to treat public servants with respect, to give as much clarity and certainty as possible and to honour the promise to ensure that reductions in public service numbers are achieved through natural attrition.”

Senator Seselja gave his opinion on marriage too.

“I believe the institution of marriage, between a man and a woman, is a special one deserving special recognition and protection,” he said.

“Many people who voted for the Liberal Party did so on the basis that this is our long-held position.”