The Northern Territory has outlined a ‘multi-agency approach’ to deal with priority areas for the community, including addressing cost of living pressures, anti-social behaviour, cleanliness of parks and streets and standard of living in remote communities.

Chief Minister Terry Mills said the development of several new committees will see a coordinated public service response.

“I want to use the talent and skill across the public service to address real issues and problems affecting Territorians,” Mr Mills said.

“A priority of this Government is to focus the public service on efficient and effective service delivery, and this policy will address this.

“I have been working closely with the new Chief Executive of the Department of the Chief Minister, Gary Barnes, to deliver this since his recent appointment.

“Chief Executives from relevant agencies will form the Standing Committees and Special Purpose Coordination Committees, with the majority reporting to Cabinet or a Sub-committee of my Cabinet.

The new Standing Committees and Special Purpose Coordination Committees include:

  • A Gas to Gove Special Purpose Committee to coordinate Government agency effort in delivering gas to Gove. This group is currently engaged in the very important due diligence process;
  • A new Cost of Living Special Purpose Coordination Committee will look at the wide range of factors that impact on cost of living in the Territory and provide strategic advice to me and my Cabinet;
  • A new Indigenous Advancement and Regional Development Standing Committee including the strengthening of existing Regional Coordination Committees. This committee will have a strong relationship with the Indigenous Advancement and Regional Development Sub-committee of Cabinet;
  • A Community Safety Standing Committee will also be established to lead and coordinate community safety initiatives across Government, including child protection, alcohol and gambling, youth justice, anti-social behaviour and prevention of youth suicide;
  • A new Asian Engagement and Trade Standing Committee;
  • An Infrastructure Standing Committee; 
  • An Economic Development Standing Committee. This committee will have a strong relationship with the Asian Engagement and Trade Sub-committee of Cabinet and the Major Projects Sub-committee of Cabinet; and 
  • Additionally, the heads of the three central agencies (Commissioner for Public Employment, Chief Executive of Chief Minister’s, and Under Treasurer) will engage with other agency Chief Executives to ensure there is collective responsibility for efficiency of the public service, and that the service becomes stronger and more modern.