Just over half a million dollars will go out to local councils and multicultural groups in Queensland, to promote opportunities across cultures, focussing on newly-arrived immigrants and humanitarian entrants.

Applications for grants opened this week, with up to $40,000 available under the Economic Participation Grants Program.

The Grants Program is structured to encourage councils to work with local multicultural groups to develop programs which address specific local needs and opportunities.

The grants will come from a $250,000 funding pool available state-wide, with grants for non-government groups to be boosted by local government contributions where they are involved.

A $40,000 funding package will be available to local government authorities, which must also contribute at least $20,000, for a total of $60,000 for local initiatives.

The broad aim of the scheme is to encourage a easier transition into the country and into work in Queensland.

Early reports say English-language education will be a major focus, as well as other efforts to break down barriers preventing overseas-born Queenslanders engaging fully in the state’s economy.

Grant applications will close on Friday March 14, more information and application forms are available here.