Archived News for Professionals in State Government - January, 2018
Tasmania’s public sector union says the location of government departments should not be decided by politicians.
Ferry joke sinks
It turns out Sydney’s jokingly named Ferry McFerryface was picked by the transport minister, not the public.
Lobby warns of strike decline
The Australia Institute has warned that the right to strike is “nearly extinct”.
EBAs slide alongside wages
The Australia Institute says declining wages could be linked to a large drop in private sector EBAs.
FWC keeps trains rolling
The ACTU says Fair Work’s intervention in the Sydney train strikes shows the right to strike is “nearly dead”.
Hospital fines not helping
The SA Government’s policy to fine hospitals that exceed waiting time target has been criticised by the state’s mental health watchdog.
NAPLAN tech checks dumped
The Education Council has announced “robo-marking” will not be used to assess NAPLAN tests.
Scientist queries frack findings
A mine rehab expert has questioned the findings of NT’s fracking review.
Failings found in Tas. child protection
A new report has found most Tasmanian child protection notifications are not investigated for at least 29 days.
Indigenous questions unanswered
The Prime Minister’s Department has been accused of neglected its Indigenous affairs duties.
QLD police plan faces legal queries
A civil liberties group has questioned a youth crime program in Mount Isa.
Train talks stuck at station
A planned 24-hour rail strike will not go ahead, after the Fair Work Commission ...
Basslink battle to drag
An expert has warned the legal battle over the Basslink power cable failure could last several years.
SAPN loses power play
The Federal Court has dismissed an appeal by SA Power Networks (SAPN) to recover an additional $250 million in revenue.
Wallarah 2 moves ahead
NSW government authorities have approved a contentious coal mine, despite a “guarantee” against coal mining in the region.
Stressed school leaders offered cheques
The NT Government is offering stressed school principals $600 to ease the strain.
Concern over SA gas plans
Conservationists say the SA Government should not allow an underground coal gasification project ...
Authority reflects on deadly year
WorkSafe Victoria says a rise in the number of fatalities at work in 2017 should prompt employers to focus more on safety.
Hobart workers on bottled water
Some Tasmanian public servants have been forced to rely on bottled water ....
ICAC sticks by whistleblower claim
SA’s corruption watchdog appears unlikely to support Nick Xenophon’s plan to pay whistleblowers.