Archived News for Professionals in State Government
The Productivity Commission has laid out the path to universal childhood education.
Learning leads croc response
Education appears to be more effective than culling crocs for public safety in the NT.
Native decline in overdue report
Tasmania has released its first State of the Environment report in 15 years.
Manslaughter laws for last state
Tasmania has joined the rest of Australia in passing industrial manslaughter laws.
ACT signs green deal
ACT has secured a new federal agreement to accelerate its renewable energy transformation.
Beetaloo facing water review
An independent review will decide if federal intervention halts Beetaloo Basin fracking projects.
Big aged care changes outlined
Sweeping aged care reforms promise better support but potentially higher costs.
Melbourne set for airport expansion
Melbourne Airport is set to undergo a significant transformation following the Australian Government’s approval of a third runway.
Nurse talks open
The Australian Government has opened a public consultation for its National Nursing Workforce Strategy.
Nurses strike in pay fight
NSW nurses and midwives have held a statewide strike demanding a 15 per cent pay increase.
School split knocked back
The Victorian government has rejected the federal government's proposal to increase its share of public school funding from 20 to 22.5 per cent.
Swan Hill hires new guards
A Victorian hospital is the latest to boost security amid rising patient aggression and violence.
Unions concerned at Tassie plan
Tasmanian unions have criticised the state government’s latest budget for its impacts on public sector workers.
School safety scheme launched
A government program seeks to address violence against teachers in Queensland.
Battery backing re-opened
Victoria has opened applications for the second round of its 100 Neighbourhood Batteries Program.
Billions aimed at violence
National Cabinet has agreed to a $4.7 billion plan to tackle the growing crisis of family and gender-based violence.
ICAC shows lobbying gaps
A new report has revealed major flaws in South Australia's lobbying regulations.