Archived News for Professionals in State Government - June, 2015
A major rural employer has partnered with the Black Dog Institute to bring better mental health services to remote parts of WA.
NSW Finance tightens tech rules
The New South Wales Office of Finance and Services (OFS) is laying the groundwork for its new security arrangements for digital information.
Vic ICT shift criticised again
A review of the Victorian Public Service’s digital strategy has slammed it for suffering from ineffective governance, weak strategic leadership and a lack of ownership of ICT responsibilities.
MDBA says info flows freely
The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has been accused of strategically selecting the information it provides to politicians.
QLD to crack down on threats to water-life
Queensland is considering a ban on single-use plastic bags for the sake of waterways and marine life.
SA seeks legal review to spot LGBTIQ disadvantage
University researchers are looking at discrimination in South Australia’s laws, on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or intersex status.
WA waste plan to bring community closer
Western Australia’s Water Corporation has responded to a community backlash, and revealed new details on its wastewater disposal plans.
Contamination claim in fire-fighters' inquiry
The inquiry into conditions at Victoria’s Fiskville Country Fire Authority (CFA) training base has heard that water was deliberately contaminated as part of a biological experiment.
Nats' anti-gas play fails
The Nationals have failed in a bid to make the Northern Rivers of New South Wales coal seam gas free.
NSW launches huge health build
The New South Wales Government has announced $1.4 billion in new funding for hospitals, which it says is a new record.
Victoria welcomes winds of change
The Victorian Government has made it easier to set up new wind farms.
Abbott wants Shortern to lay bare union links
The Prime Minister says the Opposition Leader should answer questions about whether Australian Workers Union members were 'ripped off'.
Councils slam small window for big plan
Local Government NSW says it is absurd to expect councils to respond to the new Fit for the Future assessment methods, as they have been given just two weeks.
Greenhouse grown for political points
Market research says successive Australian governments have overstated greenhouse gas forecasts, in order to make it look like they are doing more to reduce emissions.
Jobs concern in IR reversal
Authorities in Queensland say reversing controversial industrial reforms will cost jobs.
Local Gov stung by Council's swing
The Local Government Association of South Australia says the state’s Property Council has had a dig at SA councils, in an otherwise nice report.
Newman Gov's court bills still running
Reports this week show how much it has cost so far to defend former Queensland premier Campbell Newman against defamation claims.
WA wage swap saves less than expected
A plant to bring in cheaper workers when WA public servants leave their jobs will save $450 million less than expected, analysis shows.
Work tour seeks ways to boost jobs for disabled
The Federal Government will tour the nation to gather input for a new Disability Employment Framework.
Aqua-business caught out in QLD's "secret" deal
Environmentalists say the Queensland Government provided “special treatment” for a controversial $2 billion irrigation project in the state's far north.
Sunwater's warning slammed
An expert review has accused Central Queensland utility Sunwater of failing to warn downstream residents before it released massive amounts of water from Callide Dam during a cyclone early last year.