Archived News for Professionals in State Government - May, 2013
The South Australian Government has announced it has approved the construction of a new desalination plant for the township of Hawker.
Victoria outlines PPP policy
The Victorian Government has outlined reforms which it says will deliver the next phase of the ongoing phase of public private partnership (PPP) projects.
Victoria to reform industrial zoning
The Victorian Government has announced sweeping reforms to the state’s existing business and industrial zones, with State Planning Minister Matthew Guy saying that the changes will drive productivity and employment growth.
WA to bolster biosecurity defences
Western Australia’s biosecurity has been bolstered after the reforms under the Biosecurity Agriculture Management Act 2007 comes into effect.
WorkCover premium drops 7.5 per cent
The New South Wales Government has announced that the state’s average WorkCover premium has fallen by 7.5 per cent.
Victoria announces funding for heart disease and stroke
The Victorian Government has announced it will be spending $22 million over four years to ramp up the state’s response to heart attacks and strokes.
$22 million for Tasmanian logistics capacity
The Federal Government has announced it will invest over $22 million to boost Tasmania’s freight capacity in the north of the state and improve the skills base of the state’s maritime workforce.
Queensland announces bulk water prices
Construction of Queensland’s Wyaralong Water Treatment Plant has ground to a halt as the State Government released its new south east Queensland bulk water pricing path.
Queensland forms council on flood mitigation
The Queensland Government has announced the formation of a new Independent Advisory Council tasked with providing advice on flood mitigation manuals used by engineers during flood events at the Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine dams.
Queensland to publish 'warts and all' hospital data
The Queensland Government has pledged to publish quarterly performance data for Queensland’s Hospital and Health Services across the state’s local newspapers.
SA to curb urban sprawl
The South Australian Government has introduced new legislation before Parliament that will aim to promote more urabn renewal projects and limit urban sprawl.
Tasmania signs up to NDIS
The Tasmanian Government has announced it has signed up to the full National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and will be funded from proceeds from the recently announced Medicare levy increase.