Archived News for Professionals in State Government - March, 2013
The Victorian Government has released the Independent TAFE Review Panel’s final report on vocational education and training, as well as the Government’s response.
City planning crucial to health finds study
City planning is key to the heath of its citizens, with the quantity of parks and other amenities playing a crucial role in the quality of life and health of the nation’s citizens, according to the latest research conducted by the University of Melbourne.
New deal to unlock Galilee potential
Rail logistics giant Aurizon and GVK Hancock have announced the signing of a new agreement to deliver a multi-million joint rail and port infrastructure project to unlock the massive coal reserves of Queensland’s Galilee Basin.
Queensland councils to de-amalgamate
Four of Queensland’s have voted to de-amalgamate after the question of splitting Noosa, Livingstone, Mareeba and Douglas went to the polls on Sunday.
Queensland ups the ante against red tape
The Queensland Government has announced it has received a ‘framework for reducing red tape’ following the release of the Office of Best Practice regulation’s (OBPR) Final Report.
Audit shows logistics key to CQ growth
The future prosperity of Central Queensland will be determined by the efficiency and scale of the logistics and supply chain management industries, according to an audit conducted by the State Government.
Call the CSG bluff urges experts
Claims by the coal seam gas industry that the recent sector reform in NSW will quash the energy market and drive up prices are overblown and the bluff should be called, according to a collaboration of clean energy experts.
Tasmania promises energy price freeze
The Tasmanian Government has announced it believes it's energy market reforms will mean the recent electricity price hikes will soon be 'a thing of the past'.
Waller named Living Victoria chief
The Victorian Government has announced the appointment of Mike Waller as the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Living Victoria, the body designed to drive urban water reform in the State.
NSW announces teaching blueprint
The New South Wales Government has announced a comprehensive suite of reforms it claims will deliver significant improvement to the State’s education system.
Local Government NSW launches
The Local Government Association of NSW and the Shires Association of NSW have officially amalgamated to become one association called Local Government NSW (LGNSW).
MAV announces election results
Cr Bill McArthur has been returned to Victoria’s top local government job, being named the President of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) for the next two years.
New NSW code of conduct comes into force
Councillors across New South Wales 152 council bodies are now subject to the new Code of Conduct after it came into force late last week.
SA exploration cracks $600 million
The value of mineral and petroleum exploration in South Australia has cracked the $600 million mark for the first time, according to the latest figures released by the State Government.
SA passes constitutional recognition
The South Australian Government has passed legislation through the House of Assembly which will permanently enshrine the formal recognition of the Aboriginal people in the State’s constitution.
Tasmania dodges forced redundancies
The Tasmanian Government has announced that there will be no need for a round of forced redundancies in the public sector as a result of what it calls ‘strong budget management’.
Tasmania pledges community sector funding
Some of Tasmania’s lowest paid workers have been assured of their wage increases after the Tasmanian Government announced it will commit a further $7.04 million to cover the initiative.
Adelaide reigns supreme in battle of the cities
Adelaide has been named the country’s most liveable city for the third year running, dominating other state’s capital cities in a poll conducted by the Property Council of Australia.
Commonwealth pledges funding for motorway
The Federal Government has announced it will commit funding to towards the Westconnex road project, subject to a number of conditions outlined by the Prime Minister.
New literacy funding for Victoria
The Federal Government has announced it will invest an extra $41.1 million in a new National Partnership agreement to boost literacy and numeracy results in Victorian Schools.
NSW announces public sector reform
The New South Wales Government has announced a suite of reforms of the State’s public sector and middle management in a bid to ‘better focus government resources on the frontline’.