Archived News for Professionals in State Government - December, 2015
The Northern Territory Government has responded to repeated complaints that its home buyers’ insurance scheme is not working.
Bonus offered in new QLD pay deal
The Queensland Government has reached an in-principle agreement with its staff.
Broad report finds state hiring holes
An auditor-general’s report has found a long list of WA public sector agencies that could be employing inappropriate or unqualified staff.
Charge laid after education nepotism
Former Education Queensland director-general Julie Grantham has pleaded guilty to a nepotism charge.
Expert seeks smart view of SA waste dump
There are more hearings on this week in South Australia’s nuclear fuel cycle royal commission.
Public sector stuck with few moves open
The APSC says government workers spend too much time stuck in one job...
Biofuel buffs call for government support
This year’s Bioenergy Australia conference in Tasmania has been used to call for state and federal government help to improve the industry.
QLD called to answer for traditional take-back
Reports this week suggest the Queensland Government has been planning to strip native title off traditional landowners to make way for the Carmichael coal mine.
EPA ignores itself in WA road fight
Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has admitted ignoring its own policy to approve the Roe 8 highway extension.