Archived News for Professionals in State Government - December, 2011
Queensland’s Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) has released a new plan for the Baffle Creek Basin area, aiming to distribute more water to users more sustainably.
Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Deputy Director-General Debbie Best released the plan, which aims to balance the needs of towns and farms and strengthens environmental protection.
ACT releases carbon pathways for public consultation
The ACT Government has released five possible pathways for achieving its carbon reduction goals for public consultation. Comprising of five separate possible plans, the common goal sees the Territory Government reduce its carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2020, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.
Major NT gas sales purchase agreement signed
INPEX Corporation has announced a Sales Purchase Agreement that will see an estimated 70 per cent of all LNG produced at the $20 billion Ichthys Project delivered to Japan.
$1 billion NSW rail corridor confirmed
The Federal and NSW governments have co-signed an intergovernmental agreement that will see the construction of a $1.1 billion freight corridor, aimed at removing 200,000 trucks a year off the state’s roads.
Tasmania gives Musselroe wind farm go ahead
The Tasmanian Government has announced that construction on the $400 million Musselroe wind farm has been given the go ahead.
Consult Australia report calls for city planning reform
Consult Australia has launched its latest report, Tomorrow’s Cities Today, calling for ambitious governance reform to position city planning as a national priority.
Queensland opens levy and funding assistance
The Queensland Government has announced its $159 million Waste Avoidance and Resource Efficiency Fund has opened. The fund is aimed at assisting businesses to cut waste costs, develop new markets for recycled materials and crack down on illegal dumping and littering.
NSW to develop transport masterplan
The New South Wales Government has announced plans to develop a long-term transport master plan aimed at easing traffic and rail congestion.
Victorian Ombudsman publishes water report
The Victorian Ombudsman has published a report into the previous government’s Our Water Our Future – The Next Stage of the Government’s Water Plan, a $2 billion foodbowl initiative aimed at promoting water savings and productivity gains through infrastructure modernisation.