The Queensland  Government’s Skills and Training Taskforce has handed its interim report to the Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek.

The Taskforce, Chaired by  Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Resources Council Michael Roche,  was created to take an in-depth look at TAFE and how it could be revitalised.

“This interim report contains the preliminary findings of the Taskforce, which will help us assess what actions should be taken to reinvigorate TAFE and ensure it is more responsive to the economic demands of the State,” Mr Langbroek said.

The Queensland Government has approved the Strategic Plan 2012-2016 for the newly created National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (NPRSR) department.

The Queensland Government’s overhaul of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines will see the loss of 413 positions and around 360 retrenchments.

The South Australian Urban Renewal Authority, Renewal SA, will host a series of panels with the private sector and non-Government organisations aimed at developing new development ideas and fast tracking construction growth.

The WA Government has announced the investment of $27.24million into the Northern Planning Program (NPP) through the State Government’s Royalties for Regions Northern Towns Development fund to develop high priority strategic and statutory planning activities in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Mid-West and Gascoyne regions.

The Western Australian Government has released its response to the review of the Country Local Government Fund (CLGF) which was undertaken earlier this year by the Western Australian Regional Development Trust.

The NSW Government is looking to appoint  Chief Executive Officers for its new agencies, NSW Trains and Sydney Trains.

The New South Wales Government has announced it will rewrite the Local Government Act in a bid to make it simpler and easier for councils to deliver essential services.

Tasmania could become the first state to legalise same sex marriage after it tabled legislation that seeks to remove traditional legal barriers.

The NSW Business Chamber has accused the State Government’s rail transport plan of jeopodising the future prospects of a High Speed Rail network in a recently released report.

Federal Minister for Water, Tony Burke, has announced that his office will continue to work closely with the Murray Darling Basin Authority in releasing its final plan following an agreement with all Basin States.

The Queensland Government has passed legislation establishing Australia’s first National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, which is now due to commence operations at the beginning of January next year.

The South Australian Government has opened the final consultation phase of the planned formation of the network of marine parks around the state.

The Western Australian Government has allocated $17 million in funding to the Waste Authority to start improving the state’s recycling and waste diversion record from 30 per cent to in excess of 50 per cent over the next five years.

The Western Australian Government has released its Strategic Energy Initiative blueprint, setting out the state’s long-term development of the state’s energy sector.

The New South Wales Government has awarded its first goods and services contracts for of management fees after the State Government moved to roll out major changes to procurement processes which it says will save businesses millions of dollars.

The New South Wales Government has announced reform that will make it easier for Government-owned entities, local government and public universities to lodge security deposits to cover workers compensation obligations.

A new report released by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia has called on Infrastructure NSW to release a strategy to provide a detailed, ambitious and long-term vision to protect and corridors and prioritise the right projects to ensure sustainable growth.

The Victorian Government has announced a moratorium on all hydraulic fracturing as part of a suite of reforms aimed at providing greater certainty on the impacts of the coal seam gas industry’s effects on the environment.

The Western Australian Government has released details of the Master plan for the new Perth stadium and surrounding sport and recreation precinct.

The long standing animosity shared between Federal Minister for the Environment, Tony Burke, and the Queensland Government has culminated with the Minister accusing the State Government of 'environmental vandalism'.

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