The Queensland State Government has announced the passing of the Electoral Reform and Accountability Amendment Bill 2011.


The Bill, an amendment to the Electoral Act 1992, introduces stricter limitations to the amount individuals can donate to individuals and political parties and introduces reform in the areas of election funding; introducing caps on political donations; and caps on electoral expenditure. It also will also improve access to and participation in the democratic processes of Queensland through enrolment and voting reforms.


The Electoral Reform and Accountability Amendment Bill 2011:

  • limits political donations that a person can give to candidates in the same political party to $2000;
  • limits political donations that a person can give to independent candidates as a group to $2000;
  • Limits political donations that a person can give to each registered political party to ($5000);
  • caps campaign expenditure by political parties, third parties and candidates
  • increases public funding to candidates and political parties
  • provides for increased reporting requirements on campaign donations and expenditure;
  • provides for the registration of third parties with the Electoral Commission if they exceed specified expenditure thresholds in a state electoral campaign;
  • allows eligible voters to enroll to vote or change their enrolment details up to the day before polling day.