The Victorian Auditor-General's Office (VAGO) has released a report into the state's building permit system. Specifically, the audit examined how effectively the Building Commission regulates the activities of municipal and private building surveyors and councils enforce compliance with building permits within their municipalities.


The audit found the Building Commission cannot demonstrate that the building permit system is working effectively or that building surveyors are effectively discharging their role to uphold and enforce minimum building and safety standards.


The report found that ninety-six per cent of examined permits failed to comply with minimum statutory building and safety standards.


"Instead, our results have revealed a system marked by confusion and inadequate practice, including lack of transparency and accountability for decisions made," the report found.


"Consequently, there is little assurance that surveyors are carrying out their work competently, that the Building Act 1993 is being complied with, and the risk of injury or damage to any person is being minimised."


The full report can be found here