Victoria's emergency services agencies will all participate in responding to major disaster events in Victoria under the  Emergency Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011  which has passed through Parliament.


Deputy Premier and Minister for Emergency Services Peter Ryan said the Bill paved the way for the move towards an 'all-hazards, all-agencies' approach to disaster management.


"Amendments have been made to the CFA, MFB and VISES Acts to require these agencies to assist each other in the response to large scale and complex emergencies.


"This will formally recognise the broader responsibilities of Victoria's emergency services to assist major disaster events beyond their current hazard-specific responsibilities."


In addition, the amendments will increase penalties for anyone who ignored fire danger warnings or obstructed the activities of fire agencies.

The penalty for lighting fires in the open air or undertaking other high fire-risk activities during a fire danger period will more than double to allow for fines of over $14,000 and/ or up to 12 months imprisonment.


The penalty for knowingly giving a false report of fire has been increased six-fold to  over $7,000.


Mr Ryan said a White Paper outlining the government's vision for Victoria's emergency management arrangements will be released this year.


"This will provide the basis for a framework that supports an 'all hazards, all agencies' approach to emergency management and deliver on the recommendations of Neil Comrie's Victorian Floods Review."