The Victorian Government has announced a $2.4 million funding boost to seven innovative recycling projects.

The funds mark the second round of a $5 million purse for reclaiming valuable waste materials. It will be matched by industry funding, bringing the total spent to around $11 million.

Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith says: “The  Driving  Investment  for  New Recycling program also demonstrates how strong  partnerships  between  the  government  and  business  can  deliver positive  economic,  social  and  environmental outcomes for the state... [it will] create up to 70 new jobs and recover almost two million tonnes of valuable resources over the next 10 years.”  

One of the projects to receive funding is the Mordialloc-based business Polymer Processors, which recycles the wrappers from bales of hay into a tough flooring material for farm sheds. Another project will see $500,000 spent on doubling the capacity of a rubber tyre recycler.

“This is a fantastic  example of how government and business can work in partnership to drive innovative market solutions to environmental challenges,” Mr Smith said.

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